Sunday, July 12, 2009

just like mom's home cooking...

on 7/1

Troy called and invited me to join what is usually his Japanese lesson but turned into a cooking class for him. They had made this "fancy" style of cooking that is used for parties and celebrations.

First-may a layer of salt on the tray
Second-set the fish onto the pile of salt
Third-place a bamboo leave over the fish
Fourth-cover EVERYTHING in salt (and draw a fish in the salt)
Fifth-bake for about an hour

When the hour is up the the salt will have hardened and the fish will be SUPER tender.

Brake the salt open with a knife to reveal the delicious dinner....

Troy working hard to get us our food...


Side dish...(eel and octopus with caramelized onions...)

The whole table...

Thank you to our WONDERFUL hostess...

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