After a fun day at ninja camp it was time to go our Japanese style inn. It was called the Pension Love Apple. These are the owners. They had dinner waiting for us when we got there. We had hot baths and comfortable beds. They kept us company all night. We had a great time talking with them about everything from Japanese relationships to skiing. It was a lovely night!

They were wonderful company!
Nagano is well known for it's soba (buckwheat noodles) and we ate delicious soba while there. The owner (who drove out to find us and guide us back to the inn) brought us here before we got to the inn. He explained this is a soba field! It was very cool until we saw the signs that said to watch out for bears!
The camp was so much fun! Here Naomi and I are trying to walk across the obstical course:

We had fun following the kids:

Building on my great sense of balance...we walked across the tightrope!

The rings were fun too!

Naomi and I also practice taiko drumming skills. It was at the end of the opstical course.

Jon and I were using up our tickets and mastering our skills!

Jon and I killed the target and earned these ninja star cell phone charms. (I also want to point out that I used only 8 stars to hit the target 3 times while Jon used 20!)

The best part of the whole day was the guy that beat up Jon in the parking lot! He was showing us some ninja tricks and Jon got to be the victim! Naomi and I laughed a lot!

And after a hard day of ninja training we felt we earned some ice cream! And when you go to Nagano, of course it will be made out of soba! It was delicious!

They were wonderful company!
We had fun following the kids:
Building on my great sense of balance...we walked across the tightrope!
The rings were fun too!
Naomi and I also practice taiko drumming skills. It was at the end of the opstical course.
Jon and I were using up our tickets and mastering our skills!
Jon and I killed the target and earned these ninja star cell phone charms. (I also want to point out that I used only 8 stars to hit the target 3 times while Jon used 20!)
The best part of the whole day was the guy that beat up Jon in the parking lot! He was showing us some ninja tricks and Jon got to be the victim! Naomi and I laughed a lot!
And after a hard day of ninja training we felt we earned some ice cream! And when you go to Nagano, of course it will be made out of soba! It was delicious!
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