Tuesday, June 30, 2009

End of May-family visit (part 1-Tokyo) (power update 2/2)

Wooohooo! The McIntosh's take to Japan! Big city Tokyo here we come!

I hadn't been in Tokyo since orientation....10 months ago! The family and I spent much time looking at train maps and agreed on a random station to meet. It was the station closest to our hotel. Everyone gave me this horrified look that I wasn't going to meet my parents at the airport and hold their hands on the way in. On my train ride in I was starting to get nervous that they would get really lost and we would NEVER find each other. However, we meet randomly on the platform in Tokyo station. It was perfect!

Our first hotel was call "Sakura something" (Cherry blossom). We staying in the dormitory style rooms. It was full of backpackers...we met some interesting people! (normal street in a city-note the lack of anything green and growing).

On our first day in Tokyo we went to the Imperial gardens...

Outside the gardens:

The whole family:

Just the garden:

We also went to a temple...name long forgotten...

and Tokyo tower...

On day 2 in Tokyo it rained. Our plans were to go see the kids who dress up like anime characters but with the rain they wouldn't be out. We decided to head over to Ueno park just to check it out and go to the National Museum.

When we got to the park we realized there was a matsuri (festival!) It was an ice festival. A little late in the year we thought but it was fun to watch. there was ice sculpting and beet mugs and martini glasses made out of ice. There was a giant snow pit where kids where having snowball fights and making snowmen.

Ice sculpting:

There were different beer cans and liqueur bottles frozen into giant blocks of ice. It made me feel like I was back at one of the ice castles and there would be frozen fish in the walls.

We finally made it to the museum. It was full of amazing art, old scrolls, armor, kimonos, calligraphy sets and pottery. It was a great museum.

Rewind-May 3rd (power blog update 1)

I hate blogging and have already FAILED my New Years Resolution to be better....so after nearly a month it is time for a power blog update....

Starting with May 3rd....

On May 3rd I joined a few friends for what we have decided is the greatest idea in history....strawberry tabihodai (all you can eat!) Just walk up and down the aisles of plants and eat....YUMMY!

After we ate till we were sick a few of us went down to a fox matsuri. This is a wedding celebration. A special engaged couple is chosen (out of 19 applicants she told us) and well, I don't exactly understand the point of the celebration. But the bride is paraded around the town until she meets her groom on the bridge and then there is lots of celebrating....it was a LOT of Japanese.

You could have your face painted like a fox like the bride...

and apparently watching the foreigners get their face painted was worth taking pictures. Jon took a picture of the 8 people taking pictures of us....

Laura, Yoshie and me with our foxy-fox-faces....

Even the police officers had their faces painted!! They were cute....

After all the face painting commotion, and good food it was time for the fox bride to walk and meet her groom. She was presented to everyone at the temple where she started her walk.

Many other men, women and children walked with her...carrying lanterns, fans and dancing. I am sure there is more explanation but we didn't fully understand....

She meet her groom on the bridge...everyone drank and celebrated....we didn't understand but we certainly enjoyed the festivities!!