On Saturday August 22 I headed up north to the inaka (rural) with my friends Martin, Chigusa and Jon. We headed to Asahi which is Chigusa's hometown. Every year in Asahi there is a neighborhood sumo festival among the local men.
There are really aren't any rules...anything (including slapping, spitting and throwing salt in your opponents eyes) goes. There were judges (though, like the participants, most were not of a sober mind), but their only job was to watch for when a participants foot went out of bound.
There was a sumo dohyo (a sumo ring) built just for the occasion! The dohyo is made of clay and sand. There is a ring in the center that is the "out of bounds" area. There are also usually two white lines in the center where the wrestlers start.

Before the adults wrestled, there was a kids tournament. This was for kids ages 3 through elementary school (age 11). The cute little kid on the right is Chigusa's sister's son. Koki isn't exactly the toughest child and he was picked up and thrown out of the ring. He didn't cry but did panic every time his father carried him near the ring again. He did win a prize which he was happy about!

After the child were done it was time for the adults. The men put their mawashi (the loincloth) on, drank some sake and sat down.

When it was a wrestlers turn they...
First the men would throw some salt onto the rink (or n the case of some of these guys...into their opponents eyes) and do a sumo stomp.

Then the two men would met at the center of the ring, squat and stare each other down...

On the referee's mark...start the sumo...

Then the winners would get their prize...

After the winner was presented with their prize they bring it to the front of the ring, throw some salt, clap twice and do the sumo stomp again...

These were Martin's prizes...a giant empty box and a case of chu-hi

Here are some videos...
Martin's first match!
(though he looked like he won he actually didn't because he stepped out of bounds!)
One of the matches was a "free for all."
All the men were in the circle and the last man standing was to be the winner!
Martin actually won this! (though...we were a little surprised!)
There are really aren't any rules...anything (including slapping, spitting and throwing salt in your opponents eyes) goes. There were judges (though, like the participants, most were not of a sober mind), but their only job was to watch for when a participants foot went out of bound.
There was a sumo dohyo (a sumo ring) built just for the occasion! The dohyo is made of clay and sand. There is a ring in the center that is the "out of bounds" area. There are also usually two white lines in the center where the wrestlers start.
Before the adults wrestled, there was a kids tournament. This was for kids ages 3 through elementary school (age 11). The cute little kid on the right is Chigusa's sister's son. Koki isn't exactly the toughest child and he was picked up and thrown out of the ring. He didn't cry but did panic every time his father carried him near the ring again. He did win a prize which he was happy about!
After the child were done it was time for the adults. The men put their mawashi (the loincloth) on, drank some sake and sat down.
When it was a wrestlers turn they...
First the men would throw some salt onto the rink (or n the case of some of these guys...into their opponents eyes) and do a sumo stomp.
Then the two men would met at the center of the ring, squat and stare each other down...
On the referee's mark...start the sumo...
Then the winners would get their prize...
After the winner was presented with their prize they bring it to the front of the ring, throw some salt, clap twice and do the sumo stomp again...
These were Martin's prizes...a giant empty box and a case of chu-hi
Here are some videos...
Martin's first match!
(though he looked like he won he actually didn't because he stepped out of bounds!)
One of the matches was a "free for all."
All the men were in the circle and the last man standing was to be the winner!
Martin actually won this! (though...we were a little surprised!)
At the end of the tournament a person has to win 7 in a row to become the champion. The winner had already been decided (because he has to host a party at his house after) but they other men would not make it easy for him! This part was especially brutal...men with bright red backs from slapping and stinging from salt being thrown in their eyes!
After the champion was named the men all sung and walked to his house for the drinking party. After the party there was a dancing part of the festival. We joined in and I was dragged in to dance with Chigusa's aunt. I eventually figured out the local dance and had a blast with the ladies!
We also set off fireworks (little burn to the finger) and looked at the stars (saw the Milky Way and 4 shooting stars!) It was a fantastic night!