I know, I know. I am HORRIBLE about blogging. It just isn't me. I don't like writing and most certainly, I do not like writing about myself. It has been over a month though and therefore, I feel I should do something. A LOT has happened in the last month and a half....so let's catch you up on it...
1. Winter FINALLY came.
The average temperature is right around freezing and therefore, snow is something that is hard to come by in my lovely area of Toyosaka. We mostly get a small layer of snow in an overnight storm and it is gone before lunch. We mostly just get icky, slushy rain. But, there was this one day...it would NOT stop snowing!! The snow feel for over 10 straight hours and when I left school...I had to dig my car out. (there was NO snow on the ground when I started school 7 hours earlier)
One thing that I LOVE about Japan is that they use a watering system to clear the roads of snow. Little fountains pop out all over spraying water to melt the snow. This is the one right infront of my apartment building that clears the parking area.
2. We finished the MUSICAL!
I was too busy acting to get any pictures of the show- you will have to use facebook to see them.
The show went really well. We had 6 totally performances and ofcourse, the show only got better as they went on.
Our group's goal was to raise about 100 man (1,000,000 Yen or about $10,000) and we earned about 105 man!! All the money will go towards building a new school in Papua New Guinea. (a trip which I leave for on SATURDAY!)
Below is a picture of me with my friend Naomi. We were both ninjas in the show...me being the red ninja and her the yellow!
3. I learned just how DUSTY Japan is!
I am a neat freak (we all know it) and I do clean my apartment...much more than most ALTs. However, this serious pile of dirt and dust comes just from the small living, dining and kitchen area. My mother says it is because we do not use filters through the heating system like in America (which makes sense) but seriously...I had just cleaned my apartment 4 days earlier!
4. I rode a bull!!
My friends Martin, Chigusa, Jon and I went to this AWESOME game center. Pay your 1500 Yen and for 3 hours it is unlimited playing of karaoke, rollerskating, bowling, batting cages, pool tables, ping pong, video games and many more. The first thing we did was ride the bull. It was my first time ever trying and was lots of fun!
But ofcourse...leave it up to the Texan (Jon) to ride like a pro!
and last but not least....
5. We celebrated Girls day on March 3rd (3/3)
I do not actually know the meaning of this celebration but it is considered girls day. On this day people put out these beautiful old dolls. It is celebrated by eating certain foods and special sweets. Colors are something of importance...pink, green, white and yellow.
Chigusa made us a delicious special dinner...
rice (white)
topped with...
shrimp (red)
seaweed (green)
eggs (yellow)
and pink sugar (pink)
We also had a delicious Girls Day treat at school... we had manjuu (rice cakes). The cakes were layers of pink, white and green. From the little amount of Japanese I can understand, the back said something about how the pink represents flowers, white represents the snow of winter and the green represents spring. It was yummy!
Here is a picture of Chigusa and I with the little dolls we made!
6. and lots of other things have happened too...
*started the process of getting my Japanese licence (aka-learning to drive like a maniac!)
*the weather has started to get up into the 60s....can't wait for spring to come!
*stayed out all night for the musical after party and caught the first train home...that was a blast
*and more day to day boring things. nothing all that exciting is happening here
I leave for Papua New Guinea in 2 days and will be gone for 2 weeks...I promise to be better about blogging when I get back!